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Where to print voucher for RentMoney payment method? 


To print a RentMoney voucher for classic view:

  1. Login to Tenant Portal.

  2. Click on My Payments.

  3. Select Make One-Time Payment.

  4. Click on the radio button for RentMoney.

  5. Select amount to pay. 

  • Balance - if your paying full balance amount on the ledger. 

  • Partial Payment - set desired amount to pay. 6. Click Search Payment Centers. (if necessary) Note: This will open a new window showing the list of the nearest payment location. 7. Click Cash Payment Voucher. 

  • ​

To print a RentMoney voucher for New Tenant Portal View:

  1. Login to Tenant Portal.

  2. Click on My Payments.

  3. Select Make One-Time Payment.

  4. On Payment Method drop-down, choose Cash.

  5. Enter the amount on the Payment Amount field.

  6. Click Search Payment Centers. (if necessary) Note: This will open a new window showing the list of the nearest payment location. 7. Click Submit. 8. Click Get Voucher. 



Note: Rent Money payment has a convenience fee of $3.75 charged to the tenant on top of their payment amount. 

Offices in 10500 NW 50th St, Sunrise, Florida | 33351

Phone: +1 754 273 9800

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